July 03, 2009


Flors de Baladre

Once we have finished the spring the flowers are normally dissapering. But the Rosebay flowers are starting now the rose colours to envolve our forests, and gardens. The Ibicencan musician group UC dedicated a lovely song to these nice flowers. Isidor Mari was written for the group the lyrics.

Flors de baladre en un torrent, per on no passa mai sa gent,
amb poca cosa en tenen prou,
per treure un altre color nou.

Flors de baladre en un torrent tenen el cor de sol i vent,
viuen només d'alò que cau: aigua de núvol i cel blau.

Flors de baladre en un torrent no es venen per deu ni per cent.

Creuen que tenen un gran riu, quan fa un ruixim de mig estiu,
i es deixen dur torrent avall com ses al·lotes cap a un ball.
I ses que queden, quan no plou, obrin els ulls per veure el sol,
i dos teulats que tenen set en es cocons fan un glopet.

Mind with these plants and flowers so they can be really dangerous if you eat them. The lyrics of the song above talks about the few cuantity of water they need to keep them happy. If you want to hear the song go to this blog onto Spanish version.

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